Act 2, Episode 1 – Picking up the Pieces
Neon Lights is an original animated sentai series, written & directed by Clayton Younkin. For more information, including our original soundtrack, instagram, and contact information visit:
From the Creators of Neon Lights
Neon Lights is an original animated sentai series, written & directed by Clayton Younkin. For more information, including our original soundtrack, instagram, and contact information visit:
Neon Lights is an original animated sentai series, written & directed by Clayton Younkin. For more information, including our original soundtrack, instagram, and contact information visit:
Neon Lights is an original animated sentai series, written & directed by Clayton Younkin. For more information, including our original soundtrack, instagram, and contact information visit:
Neon Lights is an original animated sentai series, written & directed by Clayton Younkin. For more information, including our original soundtrack, instagram, and contact information visit:
Neon Lights is an original animated sentai series, written & directed by Clayton Younkin. For more information, including our original soundtrack, instagram, and contact information visit:
A special look behind the scenes of the production of the animated sentai series: Neon Lights For more information, visit